Fashion Design Contest for the Trophy Escort at the Oscars
Although the whole world was focused on the procession of starlets and handsome hunks slinking down the red carpet, I was excited to find out who won the "Behind the Dress" contest to dress the trophy escort for the 2010 Oscars. (Who knew there was a technical name for the model who delivers the Oscar to the podium?)
This is the second year of this Academy sponsored contest. The goal - have website visitors vote for their favorite team of designer and model. The winning model then appeared on the Oscar broadcast wearing the winning dress. A career defining coup for the chosen designer.
A bit like a mini Project Runway, the contest is presented in a series of short webisodes hosted by Carson Kressley of Queer Eye fame. If that wasn't enough reality TV for your taste, also appearing are Adam Shankman, producer of the academy

How did the contest work? Designers from across the US submitted sketches. The wardrobing team at the Oscars culled out their top designers, auditioned the models and then paired the designers and models together. These teams then went head-to-head on the runway. The winning team, selected by popular vote ensured a job for the winning model and global exposure for the designer.
Didn't get a chance to participate? Didn't know this was happening? You can check out the six short webisodes and the runway presentation now on the Oscar website. I loved the sophisticated lemon-yellow gown sketched by Elda De La Rosa Design above and the lovely steely gown designed by Oday Shakar to the right. Visit their website to check out all of the designs. A lot of fun - and who knows - perhaps you will submit next year? (I have it marked on my calendar!)
View all the "Behind the Dress" webisodes
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