In a departure from my standard "tribal light" style of jewelry, I've made one of my most elegant creations ever. Tiger eye, garnet, sterling silver and, amazingly enough, already sold!
Over the next six weeks,
I'm working on three major projects.
Project #1 - Jewelry for the Silicon Valley Open Studios - In May, I will be participating in the SVOS tour. If you are in the greater bay area, and would like to see my jewelry in person, it will be on exhibition the first two weekends in May at the Westerfeld Studio in Palo Alto. For more information about time, location and the other two artists I will be showing with, visit my page on the SVOS website. Hopefully, I'll have enough jewelry to exhibit. Wish me Luck!
Project #2 - Book Anyone? Yes, my new book is coming along.. but shhhhh.. I'm trying to keep it under wraps until it's at the galley stage! I'm drawing and writing daily, and I hope to have it finished before Tribal Fest in May. I'll be at Tribal Fest 8 hanging out, watching the dance, and enjoying one of the most FANTASTIC shows you can see in Northern California. And perhaps, if I am really good, I'll have those galleys done-enough to show! Wish me luck!
Project #3 - I'm Moving! Not far.. but far enough to require me to pack up my studio and move. This is an exciting time for me, as I move even deeper into the beating heart of Silicon Valley. Hey - if you work at Google - invite me over for lunch!
So.. I'm putting my head down and finishing up a few items on my workbench.
Like this lovely necklace and others like it for the SVOS show.
Now - if I can just make them and NOT sell them right away..
Dawn Devine ~ Davina